You probably know the story of something new, like a flash of light that comes out of nowhere. We read of that moment "aha", or that light bulb that illuminates the mind of a particular designer or inventor, and this is true to some degree. Einstein got a glimpse of the ideas while shaving in the morning. However, he was working on some issues that he could understand, and he did not suddenly have ideas for new kitchen gadgets or movie sites. Einsteins' innovation, in other words, no matter how "original" ideas came about "suddenly" came from past and present psychological work. It is like a musician who works in a craft for ten years and then becomes “successful all night long.” Innovative people have new “sudden” ideas because they have become accustomed to working and thinking in certain ways for a while. If you want to be a new thinker, why not start developing those mental habits?
Mental Practices Lead to Innovation
Problems can arise. "Problem" may have negative connotations, such as suffering or oppression, but any problem can lead to new constructions that improve our lives. Ignorance of time leads to watches small enough to fit our wrists. Serious diseases lead to sewage systems. Start looking for an opportunity in every problem. Even a common problem, such as not having enough storage space, can lead to new innovation. You can just build a floor on the roof of the house, but you can design a new type of last exterior unit. Innovation begins with understanding important things. Metal, wood or glass is not the key to the door to a new founder. How to get in, how to get rid of others - these are the essentials. Start with these, and soon think of new ways to make a door. You can design a door that opens with your voice (beautiful when hands are full), or that closes and locks when someone else arrives. Think about the things that matter most.
Attitude helps innovation. The problem-solving process of combining concepts involves combining two ideas to see which new concept or product results. The important point is that you think there will be a new useful idea. Starting with that thinking, your mind will work overtime to produce something. The shoe and the CD have nothing to do with each other, but it only takes a minute to think of a CD player with headphones that play music properly if the runner keeps his pace. If you think there is something then you usually find something. Change is constant, change is faster than ever before, and no matter how well an organization and individual doing things. If you keep doing them the same way soon you will left behind. Successful innovators are good observers and note takers. The best way to have lots of ideas is to spend time trying to think of them. You should think of new ways to extend your product features, and also how you can connect to or compliment other products and services.
Play helps innovations. A playful mind is a creative mind, and while high IQ is not compatible with art, put it and play, and you have Einstein. Remember, he imagined himself climbing a tree of light to reach his vision of connection. Why not start playing with ideas and objects, in your mind and your surroundings. Innovation is fun.
Dr. Neha Vashistha
Associate Professor
NICE SBS, Shobhit Deemed University