Coll Poll is the University ERP system which is used to handle and execute various services related to the campus. It is a helpful asset in the University Governance as various modules are used to execute and complete various tasks in an efficient manner. Our ERP is a web and mobile based digital learning platform also. It helps the students to learn and prepare themselves by remote learning mechanisms. During the pandemic times, this system was successfully implemented and regulated as per the teaching standards. click to login
List of Module
- Attendance Management:
This module is used to describe the attendance of the students for respective lectures and classes attended during a particular term or session. Also, it allows the faculty to mark the attendance on the LMS. - Examinations Management:
Examination management is a section where all the topics related to how the exams to be conducted, what will be the format of question papers, setting question paper, answer sheet evaluation, how students can be enrolled to an examination is described. The examinations can be either offline or completely online through the Coll Poll platform. After the exam, answer sheets are evaluated on the portal. In the case of online exams, the entire examination planning, execution, evaluation, results etc. are all carried out online on the portal. - Curriculum Management:
In this section, faculties upload the syllabus of the various subjects for specific session and add the modules of the syllabi. Also, addition of new subject codes and subjects in specific departments or schools can also be done. - Time Table Management:
The classroom timetable can be scheduled, managed and maintained under this module. All the new classes for a specific program or course can be created and then the time slot can be decided by the faculty who wants to take the lecture in the specific time slot. - Institutional Calendar:
This describes the academic calendar of the university. The working days, holidays and the events happening in the university are added in the section. - e-Notices:
It displays the e notices and circulars on the profile page of the student i.e. the home page of the student. - Student e-portfolio:
It describes the basic, personal details about the students enrolled on the platform. - Faculty portfolio:
It describes the personal, professional details of the faculties. - CollPoll Classroom (LMS):
It describes the Learning Management System of the ERP. Students, coursework, resources, assignment, quizzes, discussion forum, analytics, gradebook and question bank together form a classroom. - Fee Management:
The fee payment system is covered under this module. This module deals with all finance related activities such as student fees, payments, dues etc.