
Institutional Distinctiveness

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Institutional Distinctiveness

Commitment to Institutional Social Responsibilities

Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology, Deemed to be University is committed to empowering local communities through its Institutional Responsibility activities. This commitment originates in its Founder’s vision, is part of its stated Vision and Mission statement, is woven into its functioning and has had substantial impact on students and other stakeholders.

Social Concern as a Cornerstone of University Policies

The Vision of the University is to introduce relevant innovations, to distinguish itself as a diverse, socially responsible learning community, and to develop the overall personality of students to become excellent professionals rooted in human values and respect for diversity. One of the core values of the University is ‘Respect and Social Compassion’.

Importance of Mental Health Care for Societal Wellbeing

In today’s world lifestyle changes along with social and economic inequalities have increased individual and societal stress making us more vulnerable to mental ill health. The World Health Organization estimates that at any given time 10% of the global population suffers from some form of mental illness. The National Education Policy-2020 also emphasizes Life Skills Education to promote positive coping strategies for the challenges of day to day life.

Mental Health Promotion Activities Integrated into all domains of University Functioning

In view of the above, the University has established the following:

Mental Health Centres

  • Centre for Psychology and Human Behaviour
  • University Health and Wellness Centre

Activities for University Students and Staff

  • Orientation Program for new students includes Life Skills Training, Time Management, Strategies for Success and Personal Effectiveness, Health and Wellness.
  • On every Inspirer Day celebration students welcome and interact with students of Vani School – a school for children with speech and auditory disability.
  • Psychological testing facilities are available free of cost-including IQ tests, Personality tests, Aptitude tests as well as Diagnostic tests.
  • These tests aid students in getting better insight into them and are valuable for career choices.

Student Led Mental Health Related Social Responsibility Activities

  • Students participate in NCC activities, cleanliness drive, green campus initiatives and health awareness campaigns.
  • Wall Painting Activity

Extension Activities

  • Career counseling
  • Programs on Child sex abuse
  • Teacher Enrichment Programs in school
  • Life skills Training Programs for students.
  • Prevention of sexual harassment workshops for Organizations.
  • Career guidance webinar series for students of Orissa.
  • Online workshop on Managing Emotions
  • Swatch Bharat Abhiyan Activities
  • Blood Donation Camps
  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
  • Awareness for Not to Use Tobacco
  • Tele Helpline for Counseling to public during Covid-19 pandemic
  • Legal Awareness Camp
  • Adoption of Villages under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
  • One Plant, one student
  • Central Vigilance Awareness Program
  • Digital India Campaign
  • Doubling Farmers Income activities, guidance to the farmers and motivation
  • Free Legal help to the villagers
  • Save Water, Save earth
  • Conservation of Biodiversity

Extension Programs for Organisation

Psychological Counseling, Testing and Training programs for Organizations and Industries.

Disaster Response

  • During Covid-19pandemic, 100 bedded Quarantine Facility was formed in the University.
  • Hand Sanitizer made in University were distributed free of cost to the public and administration
  • Tele Counseling service to Covid-19 patients facing psychological disturbances, was provided
  • Awareness to save from Covid-19 pandemic was highly appreciated

Research on Mental Health

Psychological Research is being carried out in following major areas:

  • Life issues faced by divorced women
  • Emotional wellbeing of the elderly
  • Emotional health of persons living in old age homes
  • Adolescents and Parenting
  • Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on different populations and age groups
  • Social Media usage and its impact
  • Impact of different kinds of psychological therapies
  • Alcohol de-addiction and many more

The Social Responsibility and Mental Healthcare Activities have had a substantial impact on the community

  • Thousands of students – of the University and neighboring schools-have benefitted from these programs.
  • It is estimated that an amount of Rs 5,00,000/- was spent on extension activities from 2016 to 2021.
  • During Covid-19 Pandemic the University contributed Rs 5,00,000/- to PM Care Fund
  • The University’s reputation for social action in the field of mental health has been recognized by other organizations. In 2018, the Dayal Group of Companies contributed Rs- 21,000/- for The National Conference- “Psycon 2018-Psychology Today- and The Road Ahead”

In conclusion the University has made an impact in diverse areas of social relevance.

Commitment to Skill Development

Shobhit University Business Incubator (SUBI)

SUBI works as a bridge for Knowledge & Technology Transfer between the University and the Industry also. The University is member of the apex industrial bodies of the country such as FICCI, ASSOCHAM & CII.

International Skills Development Centre (ISDC)

The objective of ISDC is to provide need based and market driven professional employability skills to youth, both in the organized and un-organized sectors.

Industry Engagement Initiative (IEI)

The University understands that active engagement of the industry with the academia is vital for developing the required skills in the future professionals in the context of changing scenario around the globe. Under this Initiative students are prepared to meet the requirements of industries.

Initiative for Preservation of Historic and Cultural Heritage

Hastinapur Research Institute has been set up to preserve our historical wealth. Ganini Jnanamati Shodhapeetha, Jamboodweepa of the University, is functioning under the blessings of Ganini Gyanmati Mataji. The Shodhapeetha library has rare manuscripts and plenty literature on Jainology.
Initiatives for a nonviolent world are being undertaken to foster proactive intellectual dialogue through conferences & seminars.

Student Transition & Empowerment Program (STEP)

STEP program familiarizes school students with life beyond the boundaries of the school before actually moving out of it.
The objective of STEP is to prepare school students to take informed decisions in career selection, bring out their hidden talents and interests and guide their growth path.


Activities related to Institutional Distinctiveness