University Placement Preparatory Module


To become a leading Finishing School that bridges the gap between academia and industry, preparing Shobhit University graduates for successful careers and impactful contributions to society.


To equip Shobhit University students with the skills, knowledge, and practical experience necessary to thrive in today's competitive job market, fostering a seamless transition from academic life to the professional world.


  • To provide students with comprehensive training in essential professional skills, including communication, teamwork, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • To offer practical experience through internships, co-op programs, workshops, and other experiential learning opportunities.
  • To create a network of industry partners and alumni for mentorship, networking, and job placement support.
  • To promote a culture of lifelong learning and continuous professional development among Shobhit University graduates.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Improved employability and job readiness of Shobhit University graduates.
  • Enhanced professional skills and competencies among students.
  • Stronger connections between Shobhit University and the corporate world.
  • Increased alumni engagement and support for current students.

Program Offerings:

  • Skill Development Workshops: Regular workshops on resume writing, interview techniques, networking, interpersonal communication, leadership, public speaking, and presentation skills, among other essential professional skills.
  • Internships and Co-op Programs: Opportunities for students to gain practical experience in their chosen fields, working with established companies and organizations.
  • Mock Interviews and Job Fairs: Events to connect students with potential employers, providing valuable networking opportunities and interview practice.
  • Mentorship Program: Connecting students with alumni and industry professionals who can offer guidance, advice, and support throughout their career journey.
  • Add-On Courses: A variety of short courses aimed at enhancing students' communication, personality development, and other relevant professional skills. Collaboration with Industry Partners: Establishing strategic partnerships with companies and organizations for guest lectures, workshops, and real-world case studies, ensuring that students receive practical insights into the professional world.
  • Customized Career Counseling: Providing personalized career guidance and support to help students identify their strengths, interests, and career goals, facilitating informed decisions about their professional paths.
  • Online Learning Resources: Offering access to a range of online resources, such as webinars, e-books, and video tutorials, to supplement students' learning experience and promote continuous professional development. Diverse Learning Environment: Encouraging a culture of inclusivity and diversity, enabling students to learn from and engage with classmates from different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.
  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Regularly collecting and analyzing feedback from students, faculty, industry partners, and alumni to continuously refine and enhance the Finishing School's programs and initiatives.

Activity Calendar Under Finishing School:

Module 1:

  • Orientation session for new students
  • Resume Writing Workshop
  • Introduction to Networking Workshop
  • Add-On Course: Effective Communication Skills

Module 2:

  • Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Workshop
  • Add-On Course: Project Management Basics
  • Internship and Co-op Program Information Session
  • Add-On Course: Emotional Intelligence and Team Building
  • Alumni Mentorship Program Kick-off Event

Module 3:

  • Add-On Course: Data Analysis and Visualization using Excel
  • Time Management and Productivity Workshop
  • Add-On Course: Personal Branding and Image Management
  • Mid-Semester Check-in and Feedback Session

Module 4:

  • Job Fair
  • Add-On Course: Introduction to Financial Management for Entrepreneurs
  • Interview Techniques Workshop
  • Networking Event

Module 5:

  • Add-On Course: Basic Programming Skills for Non-Programmers
  • Personal Branding and LinkedIn Workshop
  • Add-On Course: Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills
  • Preparing for Graduate School Workshop

Module 6:

  • Mock Interview Sessions
  • End-of-Semester Showcase and Networking Event
  • Program Evaluations and Feedback Collection

Proposed Add-On Courses:

  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Project Management Basics
  • Emotional Intelligence and Team Building
  • Data Analysis and Visualization using Excel
  • Personal Branding and Image Management
  • Introduction to Financial Management for Entrepreneurs
  • Basic Programming Skills for Non-Programmers
  • Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills

Impact on Students' Learning Experience:

The Finishing School will have a profound impact on students' learning experience by offering targeted programs and initiatives that complement their academic studies. The Finishing School will:

  • Enhance students' professional skills, making them more competitive in the job market.
  • Provide practical, hands-on experience through internships, co-op programs, and workshops, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development, encouraging students to stay current with industry trends and best practices.
  • Facilitate networking and mentorship opportunities, connecting students with alumni and industry professionals who can offer guidance and support throughout their careers.
  • Increase students' confidence and self-awareness, empowering them to make informed decisions about their professional paths.
  • By addressing the unique needs of students and preparing them for the challenges of the professional world, the Finishing School will play a crucial role in enhancing their learning experience and ensuring their long-term success.