
M.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering

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M.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering (2 Years)
AICTE Approved

About Centre

In Indian Economy, Agriculture retains its primary importance in terms of its value and employment generation. There are millions of farmers tilling on small and marginal holdings, who need best cultivation methods. This is a Challenge. In addition, Indian Agriculture faces challenges due to Biotic and Abiotic stresses (impact of disease, insect and pest infestations, soil salinity, heat, cold, drought, flood etc.), Climate Change, Changes in food habits and nutritional requirements, Population pressure, Pressure of global trade and competitiveness, and Technological development. Strategic intervention of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Agricultural Input, Production and Output systems, integrate and facilitate trade, technology and food security, through effective Value-chain and Supply-chain Models. This is a priority engagement..

ICT in Agriculture (Digital Technology in Agriculture) is gaining momentum throughout the World. There is a huge demand for Agricultural Graduates with ICTs skills and profound Informatics knowledge, to leverage a mix of emerging and existing technologies, for effective and inexpensive ICT penetration in agricultural development, and to be the global lead enabler in innovating solutions for productivity increase and prosperity, through Informatics for agricultural development. It requires about 100000 “agricultural graduates-ready” through agricultural informatics, for undertaking S&T based agricultural development, and rejuvenating and ushering in agricultural dynamism in the country, by 2025.

This Centre for Agricultural Informatics and e-Governance Research Studies(CAIRS), first-in-kind in India, is to impart conceptual, theoretical and applied knowledge of ICT, Management, Informatics, and Agriculture, to the Graduates of Agricultural and Allied Sciences, Engineering and other Science Disciplines. The Centre generates human resources with right skills, knowledge, aptitude, entrepreneurial, and leadership qualities for effective design and implementation of ICT enabled agricultural production, supply-chain, value-chain and extension services to cater to the needs of Agricultural sector stakeholders (farmers, industry, research, extension and scientific organizations, etc), in global era, through the emerging field of Agricultural Informatics, e-Governance and Language Computing.

The University proposes to build capability and entrepreneurship development of Rural Youths in the area of Digital Technology in Agriculture, as proposed by the Doubling Farmers Income by 2022 (DFI-2022), Report (Govt. of India) 2018, strategically as follows:

  • Digitalised Agriculture: Digital Technology and Innovation in Agriculture: Digital India, Make in India, Skill India and StartUp India Programmes for Transformational Reforms in Agricultural Sector (SMART Irrigated, SMART Rainfed and SMART Tribal Agri Systems);
  • Digitalised Agro-Met Advisories & Agricultural Risk Management Solution;
  • Digitalized Agricultural Resources Information System and Micro-Level Planning for achieving SMART VILLAGE & SMART FARMING;
  • Digitalized Agricultural Value Chain from “Farms” to “Profits” – nearly about 400 Commodities;
  • Digitalised Access to Inputs, Technology, Knowledge, Skill, Agricultural Finance, Credit, Marketing and Agribusiness Management, to Farmers;
  • Digitalized Integrated Land and Water Management System – Per Drop More Crop;
  • Digitalized Farm Health Management for reduction of Farmers' Losses.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of The United Nations

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint, through 17 SDGs, for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The 17 SDGs are integrated. Agricultural Informatics and e-Governance Research programme provides the required ecosystem to facilitate achieving SDGs and its Targets.

Our Vision

To leverage on a mix of emerging and existing technologies for effective and inexpensive ICT penetration in agricultural development for productivity increase and income rise .To be the global lead enabler in innovating solutions through Informatics for agricultural development and prosperity.

Our Mission

To prepare about 100,000 Graduates ready, through agricultural informatics, for undertaking S&T based agricultural development and to rejuvenate and usher in agricultural dynamism in the country, by 2025.


Agricultural System (Research System, Input System, Production System, and Output System) built-in with effective ICT enabled “Information Systems”, is capable of delivering services, in local languages, for enhancing agricultural production, productivity and income rise, decision making, planning, monitoring and intervention in the interest of all stakeholders.

Agricultural Informatics

Agricultural Informatics emerges as a discipline out of Synergisation between Computer Science & Technology and Agricultural Science & Technology. Seed is an embodiment of Knowledge System with built-in “Object programming”. Acceleration of the use of information technology (IT) in the field of agriculture is through “formal education” discipline – Agricultural Informatics – for development and the utilization of information system and technology for better and sustainable agricultural development. The Indian Agricultural Education System produces about 25000 in number from about 400 Agricultural Colleges. They have the bigger role to play in realizing “Agricultural Informatics” to the Farming community in the languages known to them.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Students having Graduate / Post-Graduate Degree in Agricultural Sciences, B.Tech. from recognized University / Institute from India and Abroad. OR Students having Post-Graduate degree in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, Rural Development, Geography, Economics, Information Technology, Bio-Informatics, Bio-Technology, and Forestry.

Admission Procedure

  • The admission shall be granted on the basis of valid score on CUET (PG)2025 / SUNET-2025 / Academic records and/or GATE score.


Urgent measures are needed to attract bright students into agricultural, food, and natural resources sciences areas, and also to bring about innovative changes in curricula and courses in the Indian Agricultural Universities. Such measures will accelerate development and adoption of improved agricultural practices and technologies to meet future constraints, imposed by Climate Change, population pressure, and increased food and feed demand. The coming generation of Indian farmers needs to be both innovative and competitive in the global market. It is the task of the government, policy makers, educators, researchers, and extension workers to ensure that they have the tools, technologies, and new farming systems that enable them to be innovative and competitive.

It will accelerate development and adoption of improved agricultural practices and technologies to meet future constraints imposed by Climate Change, population pressure, and increased food and feed demand. The coming generation of Indian farmers needs to be both innovative and competitive in the global market. It is the task of the government, policy makers, educators, researchers, and extension workers to ensure that they have the tools, technologies, and new farming systems that enable them to be innovative & competitive. Read More

Career Opportunities

The world over, Post Graduate studies are a normal part of basic Engineering education. M.Tech. has become mandatory in recruitment in various positions in R&D organizations and Govt. sectors. AICTE has already prescribed M.Tech. as qualification for a Lecturer.