Centre for Law and Good Governance (CLGG)
A Center for Law and Good Governance was inaugurated on 11th April, 2015 by Hon’ble Governor of West Bengal, Bihar, Mizoram and Tripura Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi at a function held at Shobhit University. The center will be the part of law faculty of Shobhit University, Meerut.
Harvard and Oxford educated Supreme Court lawyer Dr. Surat Singh has been appointed as Chairman of the Center.
Introducing the purposes for which the Center for Law and Good Governance has been set up, Dr. Surat Singh said that since time immemorial, thinkers-both from East and West have wondered about what is the purpose of life and what kind of structures of society will be conducive to achieve the best possible goals of life. Thus law and government should always be guided by the highest goals a society and individuals can aspire for Law and political structure are made to make it possible for society and individual to achieve the highest possible fulfillment and blessedness (Ananda in Sanskrit and Eudemonia in Greek). For this purpose, we need a constant examination and innovation of our legal systems. Like life, Law is dynamic. What may be relevant today may not be relevant after few decades. It is the law which has to adjust to life and not other way round because Laws and structures are made for human beings and not human beings for laws.
Dr. Surat Singh emphasized that we need to bridge the gap between what we need and what we have. The centre will reflect upon what kind of laws and systems of governance we have at the moment and what kind of laws and systems of governance we need and we need to do more to make India a great nation and Indian people a good citizenry and world a better place to live.
To advise the center, a team of top legal luminary both from India as well as from other parts of the world have very kindly consisted to be on the advisory council of the center.
Advisory Council
- IT and CS UG and PG course projects and lab exercises
- Implementing innovative new ideas in all subject areas and fields, including in agriculture, medicine and prosthesis, CS & IT, architecture and construction, and consumer electronics and goods,
- Training programs for outside professionals and government officials, and
- A solution for industry to quickly and cost effectively develop mobile apps and systems (e.g., local farmers can develop their own apps).
The benefits for students and professionals include
- Quickly and efficiently create real-world mobile apps and systems that they can use to implement their ideas, and form small businesses to become successful and earn income.
- Gain more experience in developing mobile apps and systems that will enable them to get better jobs and higher compensation.
Mobile and Internet of Things is The Future Of Jobs and Opportunities in all Fields
Mobile is the most important channel for all industries and countries now, and this will remain so in the future. Mobile apps, together with intelligent sensors and other devices that form the growing ecosystem of Internet of Things (IoT), is enabling opportunities in almost all sectors. For example, mobile apps can be built for agriculture to monitor and record humidity, enable electronic audit trail-based traceability for organic produce, and perform electronic payment transactions between farmers and crop buyers. In medical prosthesis industry, walking canes for the blind can be created that leverage the GPS capability of mobile phones to provide audible guidance to blind people, and provide real-time location information of the blind person to their family members. In the consumer goods industry, mobile apps can be created that allow users to monitor their homes for burglary by simply using low cost cameras and other sensors placed inside their homes.
Despite enormous opportunities for starting innovative businesses and getting better jobs, the problem students and professionals encounter include:
- Students and professionals who have good ideas do not know how to implement their ideas for new mobile apps and systems. Hiring a company to develop their mobile apps can involve significant amounts of capital.
- Because of limited lab equipment (PCs and licensed software) and limited time in the lab at most universities, students do not have the opportunity to develop their own ideas for mobile apps and systems. If students just have experience in developing basic “toy” apps for lab exercises or only have theoretical knowledge, their future and career will be limited
- Professionals and graduates (both employed and unemployed) do not have a means to develop their mobile apps and systems easily and cost effectively so that they may start their own small businesses.
What is the mBox
The mBox is a single piece of equipment that replaces an entire mobile systems and Internet-of-things (IOT) development and testing laboratory within universities and companies. With the mBox, students and developers do not use personal computers (PCs) to develop their mobile apps and server-side systems. Instead, they use their own smart phones to quickly develop, customize, test and deploy their entire mobile and IOT systems. The unique mBox solution uses powerful and patented technologies to deliver an easy-to-use, eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for mobile & IOT systems development. It is an ideal solution for colleges, training institutes, incubators and small to medium companies.
There are no other solutions that enable users to use their own smartphones to create mobile apps. Additionally, because of the patent rights, any other company offering a solution that infringes those patent rights would be in violation of applicable civil and/or criminal statutes.
Benefits of the mBox
- No need to buy, replace or repair PCs and monitors.
- No need to buy licensed operating systems and software
- No expensive electricity bills from an entire lab full of PCs, monitors and air-conditioning.
- Students and developers use their existing smart phones.
- Rapidly develop and customize both the mobile app and the server app.
- Develop mobile apps and server apps in as little as an hour.
- Everything (hardware, software, WiFi) is included in the box; just plug it in, and start developing mobile and server apps.
- Includes an easy-to-understand, step-by-step training program, which is also accessible through the user's smart phone.
Improved opportunities for Students and Professionals
One of the biggest complaints employers have about recent graduates from universities is that they lack real-world experience in developing technology and software systems. The simple lab exercises that students are usually asked to perform as part of courses are a far cry from realworld enterprise class systems that must be developed in industry. That is why universities around the world, including in India, retain EVx to teach their students and faculty real-world software and technology development skills that prepare them for getting jobs in India or in the United States.
For More Details about Centre for Mobile Systems and Innovation (CMSI) Details